Needless to say, I do not blog and a regular basis anymore. There is no real reason other than the fact that it doesn't seem as important as it once did. I still want and need to document the daily in and outs of our lives, but it is so much more important have a little bit of quiet time and to be more present in everything that is going on.
Homeschooling is still going well, but it takes up a few hours of hands on time each day and I still do some sort of planning nearly everyday-even if it's nothing more than scanning Pinterest for new ideas or reading through a curriculum catalog.
This blog was once a scrapbook of sorts for our family and I would never want Maggie and Ellie to think that Mommy dropped the ball when they were the ages of 7 and 4. Mommy is just busy.
12 hours ago
Lovely post! I hope you have a wonderful day!
I just visited my OWN blog for the first time in MONTHS. I don't even know how to get around Blogger anymore! I'd love to blog again, but am wondering if I'll pick up where I left off, or start a new one. Hmmm...
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