The Mommy

The Mommy

about us...

I'm The Mommy, a SAHM to Maggie & Ellie. I'm married to Big Daddy, an engineer, grad student and our hard-working provider.
I blog instead of scrapbooking in hopes of preserving a part of our life for the future.
We enjoy beach trips, going to Church and spending time together...all as a family...because that's what we are.

our VP miracle, Maggie

our VP miracle, Maggie
loves homeschooling, sign language, Jesus, reading, church, writing songs and dancing

our sweet Ellie

our sweet Ellie
loves her sister, going to church and the library, singing, babies, chocolate and being naked

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Weekend

Our little "date" went well. We ate at Panera (which is fast becoming our favorite place to eat out at) and went to T.arget. I think we were away from Maggie & Ellie for a little over three hours! I always feel like I'm in such a hurry to relieve their babysitter, a.k.a. Nana!

On Sunday, we went to church. Ellie's Sunday school teacher invited Maggie to join in the Spring semester of the "Worship & Music"/children's choir. I talked it over with Maggie and oitched it as sort of like K.indermusik. She was excited to go and seemed to have a really nice time. Big daddy and I dropped Ellie of in the nursery and went into the sanctuary for the Spring Discipleship kick off. We couldn't agree on a class to attend (he wanted "The Truth Project:Revisited" and I wanted "Have A New Kid By Friday"...maybe that was a sign that we should've signed up for "How to Build a Lasting Marriage"!) so we decided to stay in the sanctuary...then we decided to take the parenting class: "Have A New Kid By Friday". Of course, it's about modifying and changing your parenting methods more than your child! Kristen is talking about it today, so now I'm even more excited. The associate pastor and his wife are leading the class and they are parents of a strong-willed child, so it should be fun and interesting. I also ran into a parent from Maggie's preschool, so we should be able to talk a little between Sunday night classes. Big Daddy promises to read the book, but he may miss a few classes because he is resuming his MBA classes.

Anyway...I'm really excited about learning better ways to parent and getting to know a few people in our very BIG church.


Christina said...

Glad you guys enjoyed your date! We parents deserve some time out every now and again, but I too feel somewhat guilty for leaving the kids with my mom for too long at a time!! Thank Heavens for her though, don't know what I'd do without her nearby!!

Q, La, and Gooner said...

Date night is a MUST. Q and I are currently planning one. The new parenting/kid orientation sounds pretty cool!

Tara said...

I came by once maybe twice yesterday and never did leave a comment. Glad y'all had a fun date...Panera sounds fun to me! This is the main reason I want to move again.....babysitters!!

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