How can our Baby Ellie be such a big girl!?!
You love to clean out the kitchen cabinets and be Mommy's little helper.
You enjoy "playing" in your sister's room when she lets you or when she's not at home.
You enjoy "playing" in your sister's room when she lets you or when she's not at home.
You are a good eater, but you like to put food in your hair.
You love playing outside and you are never still.
You crawl all over the yard and you love to pull up grass.
You can stand alone without pulling up, but you aren't interested in walking. You love to crawl.
You say "Da-Da" a lot, but mainly do sign language for "Mommy".
You also do the signs for eat, thank you, more and please.
You give the best "love" where you lay your head on my shoulder and you'll lean your head in for some "sugar" (kisses).
You "bark" at the giant dog that Gammy Gladys gave you.
You like to ride in the stroller, but only for short periods of time. I am thankful that you still enjoy being worn in the ring sling or the Baby K'Tan.
Baby Ellie, we adore you and you complete us.
what a little sweetie!!
She just has the sweetest smile and always looks so happy!
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