The Mommy

The Mommy

about us...

I'm The Mommy, a SAHM to Maggie & Ellie. I'm married to Big Daddy, an engineer, grad student and our hard-working provider.
I blog instead of scrapbooking in hopes of preserving a part of our life for the future.
We enjoy beach trips, going to Church and spending time together...all as a family...because that's what we are.

our VP miracle, Maggie

our VP miracle, Maggie
loves homeschooling, sign language, Jesus, reading, church, writing songs and dancing

our sweet Ellie

our sweet Ellie
loves her sister, going to church and the library, singing, babies, chocolate and being naked

Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What I Learned This Week

I'm participating in Jo-Lynne's carnival again this week over at Musings of A Housewife. I've learned a lot, but here are just a few things.

  • Preschool hasn't officially started, but there's already a classroom bully. And in case you're wondering, it's not my Muffin.
  • I can totally handle my two girls...most of the time.
  • Planning a trip to a beach that we've been to at least two or three times for the past thirteen years is still fun.
  • "Baby Joy" (Muff's doll) needs "tummy time" too.
  • Baby Ellie can make it just fine in the nursery without me.
  • The Muffin likes her new Sunday school class, even though she didn't speak a word the whole time she was in there.
  • Baby Ellie does not like the front carrier. She's a sling girl! :-)
  • Cooler weather makes me happy.
  • Even when dieting and trying to lose weight, I must have carbs.
  • Coffee is my friend again. After a few months without it on a regular basis, I can't get enough.
  • Chocolate in my coffee is even better than coffee on it's own.
  • Big daddy and I could use a few more four day weekends.


Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

I so hear you about the cooler weather, and the beach trip!! You have a lovely blog. Stop in and visit sometime!

Heather Solos said...

Aw, you have an Ellie, too. Came your way via What I Learned. . .

Unknown said...

Not that it ever gets THAT warm here, but the cooler days are back already!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Chocolate and coffee... Mmmmmmm. I actually had that today - a Cafe Mocha at Starbucks. YUMMO.

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