The Mommy

The Mommy

about us...

I'm The Mommy, a SAHM to Maggie & Ellie. I'm married to Big Daddy, an engineer, grad student and our hard-working provider.
I blog instead of scrapbooking in hopes of preserving a part of our life for the future.
We enjoy beach trips, going to Church and spending time together...all as a family...because that's what we are.

our VP miracle, Maggie

our VP miracle, Maggie
loves homeschooling, sign language, Jesus, reading, church, writing songs and dancing

our sweet Ellie

our sweet Ellie
loves her sister, going to church and the library, singing, babies, chocolate and being naked

Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The View From Here

The Muffin playing a computer game before bed. This just may become a part of daddy-daughter every night since Big Daddy is about to be busy all evening with school stuff.

"Dorothy" posing for the camera. I think she's doing the poppy scene from "The Wizard of Oz".

Baby Ellie chewing on her fingers and drooling. This is the story of her day!

The Muffin playing with B.arbies.

Ellie always keeps her eye on her Mommy...always.

Muff is always ready to play with Ellie as soon as she wakes up. They had both been awake for about five minutes in this picture.

They moved to The Muffin's room a little later and played a lot more.

We had fun with sand art after nap. It was a gift from "Aunt" Fran.

Baby Ellie smiles most of the time.

And just for's The Muffin before church on Sunday. She was in the middle of a tantrum and I decided to take video and pictures of it. She thinks that she looks awful when she has tantrums, so seeing the evidence helps her to curb that behavior. And you probably guessed that the tantrum was about this adorable outfit (Callie has one too) that my mom gave her for Christmas. Evidently the shirt "strangles" her and the vest and skirt are "just awful". I told her that there were children all over the world that didn't have clothes to wear. Without missing a beat she said, "you can just send them this awful outfit then". After several minutes of having a fit, Muffin put her boots on and we happily went to church. Her only request was that she could wear the Dortothy dress when we got home.

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