Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Growing and Glowing
Like lots of other preggies I've had dry skin due to hormones and the cold weather. After some mild flaking (in the T-zone, no less) I decided it was time to pull out the big guns. No, I'm not talking about "our" extensive handgun collection, I'm talking about my little stash of pick-me-ups!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Baby On The Brain
I saw this and decided to make it for both girls' room. I'm going to use two scrapbook papers that coordinate with their room colors and use their first name in stead of just the monogram. Mine will look a little more girl-y and not quite so elegant, too. Of course, I donated my old frames to the women's shelter thrift shop so I have to buy new ones. I'm also going to work on hair bow holders because Muff could use a bigger one and I'm sure Ellie will want her own! I'm hoping to get the supplies sometime soon. My mom has offered to keep sweet Muff for two nights next week when I have my monthly midwife appointment. That means free time for me to get a few things done around the house and maybe work on a couple of projects! I miss Muff when she's not here, but I can finally touch up the trim and doors in the baby's room (without help!) and maybe even prep the walls for painting later on.
The Muffin has a collection of "M"'s (for Maggie, of course) around her room. I'm going to buy a plain, cheap lampshade for Ellie's room and try doing this. Her bedding has a damask print in it, but I may try doing the letter "E" on the shade. I loved it when Maggie was really young and would pick out the letter "M" everywhere we went!
I'm probably going to pack the baby's bag for the hospital soon. I just can't wait! And I'll probably start on my bag as well. I love packing and planning and I don't want to forget anything...because we live all of two minutes from the hospital and I'd hate for Big Daddy to have to make a trip all that way because I forgot something. I'm going to try not to over pack this time and just take the things that we'll actually use. Hopefully, Big Daddy will not forget my special present if I get one this time. He gave me a string of pearls and pearl earrings when The Muffin was born. (The baby book said that "Maggie" meant "pearl") He had my mom and sister stop by our house to get it on their way to the hospital. (He told me they needed to get solution for his contact lenses!) I would prefer no present this time, but it's up to him.
I'm trying to finalize the list of stuff that we need. As long as the baby is an "Ellie" and not an "Eli" we are all set on clothes and blankets! I've gone over my registry and made a mental note over need vs. want. I'm planning to use disposable diapers at first, but then switch to primarily cloth diapers, so I'll have to purchase those. We'll be using washable and disposable baby wipes. My mom fixed new burp cloths for me and we have socks coming out of our ears! There are plenty of hats and headbands and pretty things for our baby.
I don't think I felt quite so impatient about The Muffin's arrival. I quit my job a month before she was born so I guess my mind was occupied by other things. I want this little cupcake to bake for the full 40 weeks so that she comes out strong and healthy, but I am so anxious to meet her! After having The Muffin, I realize how exciting it is to meet and get to know the little person that grew in my belly. She was in there for 40 weeks and 4 days and she came out part stranger and part baby-that-I-felt-like-I'd-known-forever. I still look at her and think about all of the things that go through her little mind that I don't know even though I know her so well.
I just can't wait to do everything all over again!
What I Learned This Week
-Kindermusik rocks!
-The Muffin and I love Big Daddy, but having him back at work does wonders for our routine.
-Sometimes the only way to get Big Daddy to do something is for me to have a pregnancy- hormone-induced-emotional breakdown.
-I feel so much better with our new baby name, Ellie Grace.
-I love going into Ellie Grace's room and looking in the closet and drawers.
-I love S.wiss Miss Dark Chocolate Sensations Cocoa Mix in my morning, afternoon or night time cup of coffee.
-The coffee grinder is music to my ears.
-Having another preggie (due the same time and with another kid the same age as The Muffin) in our Sunday school class is really nice.
-I am so happy that I can take B.enadryl while pregnant because my allergies are driving me crazy.
-The curtains that I already have in the baby's room match the bedding and I don't have to use the new ones that I bought that don't match.
-That new lip balm that Laura wrote about is awesome and W.algreen's has it on sale!
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Baby Belly- Week 25

I still can't believe that we are this far along!
I know it's still early, but we're trying to get ideas together of how we want things to happen when our Baby-to-be arrives. I talked to my sweet friend Linda at church today and she is on "the list" of people who we can call to help out with The Muffin if something happens and we need to go to the hospital and feel she can't go with us. Linda is one of my friends from my time in real estate and we also go to church together. Muff has to visit Linda in the sanctuary every Sunday before she goes to spend time in the nursery. The other will be "Gammy Gladys" ( I have to ask her first!) who also happens to be a former real estate agent. I'm pretty sure that The Muffin thinks that Gladys is really her grandmother. She loves going to her house for visits. My family is only about an hour away, so I feel sure that Muff should be able to hang out at the hospital with us unless there is an emergency. We're trying to be prepared.
Big Daddy and I will be discussing how we want things to be handled during and after the labor and delivery and then we'll talk about it with my mom and sister. I'm getting really excited and feel the need to be prepared.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Baby Has A New Name
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Second Thoughts
Big Daddy and I were comfortable with the name and The Muffin had gotten used to it. She was more than excited when I gave her a choice of two other names. The funny thing is, she has stuck with the same name from the very beginning. The name that starts with an "M" just like her name and Big Daddy's name and our last name. And it totally sounds silly with our last name. She is adamant that we use the "M" name. I have to think on it some more, but I've already called my sister so that she and my mom can discuss it and "come to a conclusion" (as I told them) by tomorrow. Big Daddy says that we'll talk about it more tomorrow, so I'm hoping for clarity by Monday.
I never would have made the name public if I had thought that it might change. We never planned to be an "M" family, with a lonely "J" (me) thrown in. We're not the type to think that any of our names have to start with the same letter or end with the same sound.
On the bright side, we haven't actually called the baby by the name of Pacey Grace, so it won't really know the difference. I've used the name here on the blog and Muff and I have used it, but usually she just says "baby" when she talks to my belly. And, I have nothing monogrammed.
I'll keep you posted, but don't be surprised if the name on my little baby ticker changes sometime soon.
Now that I've gotten that off of my chest, I'm ready for bed. We spent the evening at Big Daddy's friend's house having dinner, holding a sweet baby boy and letting the big girls play together. I was able to discuss everything pregnancy, labor, delivery, big girl and baby with the mommy. Big Daddy talked guns and ammo and business stuff with the daddy. Muff played so hard with the little girl that's about her age. We all took turns holding the six month old baby boy and being amazed by his sweetness and good behavior. The Muffin also found out that baby's drool and she doesn't like that.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Oh, Baby!
I heard her start fussing at 6:20. She wanted me. She needed me. I decided to sit on the couch and wait it out. Big Daddy quickly came down the stairs and plopped her on the couch beside of me. I sent him back to bed and Muff and I cuddled until 6:30...then it was time for chocolate chip pancakes.
The Muffin loves her Daddy unless she's hungry, tired, hurt or it has anything to do with sleep. I know she thinks he is totally incapable of caring for her because I have always been in charge of anything related to her physical well-being. (To be honest, I think he's incapable sometimes to.) We had breakfast and discussed how much her Daddy loves her and wants to take care of her and how I can't always be around. I asked her what we would do if I was giving the baby "baby milk" (aka, breastfeeding) and she needed something. I asked if Daddy could help then and of course, she had a solution. She told me that she would give the baby it's milk and then I could help her.
How long after the baby gets here do you think it wil be before she's trying to nurse it?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Of course, the picture doesn't show the true cuteness of these clothes !
We truly do not need one more article of clothing if our baby is indeed a girl. If we were to have a boy, we'll only have three gowns, two diaper shirts and a few yellow sleepers.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Now, we have a long list of things that need our attention before life gets back to normal on Monday morning.
Our Day
Big Daddy is studying at the college library today. He hasn't been spending as much time on his homework lately. He may be "working" out of town some this week, so he's catching up today. Please be in prayer for our sweet Big Daddy. He has a few prospects that he's working on and I think his ego and self esteem could use a little boost. I'm doing the best hat I can to make him feel well, but I think someone (you may be able to guess who she is) is able to undo all that I it?
Tomorrow, my sweet mommy-friend April and her family also need your prayers. Her husband, Michael, is having 9 tumors removed from his torso and arm. (They are Muff's possible future in-laws, by the way. She just may marry their son and the daddy's share a love of guns and the mommy's share a love of...being together, laughing and having lunch.) This couple is about the same age as me and Big Daddy and I'm praying that everything comes out okay. I know that their church family is praying hard too.
And just for laughs, The Muffin was "reading" the story of Adam and Eve this morning and it went something like this:
Adam and Eve were so hungry and just look at those apples. They are so good!
I said, "I thought they were supposed to stay away from the apples."
Oh, Jesus just put them in time out.
I guess that explains why we're where we are today.
Monday, February 16, 2009
What I've Learned This Week
The Baby Belly-Week 24

Pacey Grace continues to move around so much! Yesterday during the Praise and Worship service at church, she was kicking along to the music! The ladies in the nursery are anxious to have a new little baby to take care of and I'm actually looking forward to leaving our sweet baby in their care. (I think I must realize that this may be my only private time- two hours each week while in church!) I never even attempted or even wanted to leave The Muffin at our other church, but it's so different here. We found out this morning that the two couples from our Sunday school class that are adopting from Ethiopia will be expecting their infant boys in late summer or early fall, so Pacey will have friends around her age.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
And A Happy V-Day It Is!
My family also had a special Valentine treat for me. (I may just cry while typing about it.) My mom and sister gave me the new bedding for our Baby-to-be! This is one of the few baby items that I was not going to be getting because of our recent job news. I cried and Muff and Callie look concerned until they realized I was crying happy tears. New baby bedding will not fix the economy, but it sure is making me feel better. I know Big Daddy is relieved because he wants to give me everything I want and it's always hard when we just can't justify spending a couple of hundred dollars on something so pretty, sweet, cute and totally frivolous. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.
We arrived home a little bit ago and I received my Valentine's Day surprise from my sweetheart. A single rose from Big Daddy and the biggest treat.......lots of progress on the baby's room! It may actually be ready to paint in the next couple of weeks. With any luck, I'll be sharing at least a small portion of Pacey Grace's room in a month or so.
Thanks for sharing your Valentine plans. I hope everyone spent a little time being thankful for the ones they love.
**AND I just read that my dear, sweet bloggy friend, Joy has her own Valentine's Day treat!! Jump over, read about it and leave her a comment!!**
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine's Day

Here we are. I was in my pajamas and Big Daddy had taken out his contacts, so I assume we were in our room for the evening and ready for bed. I think we took about three pictures the whole weekend. That's what happens when The Muffin stays behind.
Happy Valentine's Day!
What are you doing for you sweetie or what's your sweetie doing for you?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Little Update
The Muffin and I have just finished a marathon art session. We made Valentines for both sets of grandparents and my sister and her family and of course, we included Griffin, the dog. Then we cleaned up all of the mess and she remembered that she forgot her Daddy's card. I think it was just an excuse to draw more smiley-face-lollipop-people and use glitter, glue and glitter glue. The girl loves sparkles!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Rest of The Week
The rest of our week promises to be a busy one. My Daddy is having eye surgery tomorrow. We will not find out the exact time of the procedure until this evening, so we're going to stay home and visit on Friday. The Muffin is looking forward to picking Callie up at school on Friday,
seeing Pawpaw in his eye patch and wearing the new boots that Nana bought for her. We also have a friend who is having a biopsy of several tumors in his stomach tomorrow, so we have several special prayers to say tonight.
We'll be home sometime Saturday afternoon and I guess we'll "celebrate" Valentine's Day then. I wonder what we'll do? I'm going to try and get a few special Valentine pictures from the past to auto-publish for Saturday.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Just In Time

What I Learned This Week
Love makes all the difference.
Having Big Daddy home too much can be a bad thing.
We may just have picnics for lunch everyday this Spring and Summer...if the Baby-to-be allows it.
Flip flops= happy feet.
Going to the monthly midwife appointment is less stressful when The Muffin is at Nana and Pawpaw's.
The possibilities really are endless.
Peeking in on The Muffin during her Sunday school class is very enlightening.
Sending Big Daddy long, dramatic emails expressing my needs, wants and feelings may be better than telling him face to face...probably because I cry and he gets annoyed.
Having your toddler refer to you as "Tin Man", "Auntie Em", or "Glinda" is just as sweet as when she says that you are her best friend.
You never know how you'll feel or what you'll really do until it happens to you.
The thought of The Muffin and the Baby-to-be makes me want to cry happy tears and run and hide at the same time.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Baby Belly- Week 23
Saturday, February 7, 2009
After a small crying spell this morning, Big Daddy has promised that the "baby's room" (aka Big Daddy's junk hole/computer room) will be cleaned out by the middle of the week. The weather is going to be great over the next several days so we're also planning to spend some time in the storage building and see what we have that can be thrown away or donated to charity. (I'm told that I have a large assortment of flower pots that I ever use.) Of course, all of this will lead to cleaning out our closets again. I really don't think that I have anything else to get rid of, but it seems like the clothes multiply.
All of this is so that I can feel useful and start going through The Muffin's baby clothes and picking out what to keep for our Baby-to-be, what to take to the consignment shop for a little extra cash and what can be given to charity or taken to the local pregnancy crisis center. I absolutely love looking at all the outfits that she wore. Several of them were only worn a couple of times and are just like new. We realize that another baby girl could not possibly wear all of the clothes, so we must get rid of some things. Of course, I'll take pictures of everything first!
After the room is empty (except for the baby bed and Big Daddy's gun safe in the closet) we'll be able to move the armoire into Muff's room and Muff's chest of drawers into the baby's room. My mom has volunteered her painting services which this pregnant asthmatic will gladly take advantage of! Temporarily, the computer will be in our bedroom (which I hate) until we find a desk suitable for a little home office space in our kitchen. We have decided to have a desk in the kitchen and eliminate our breakfast nook. We spent $$$ having my parents install hardwood flooring in the dining room and it's only been used a couple of times in the 6 years we've lived here. Big Daddy says that we need to use the room and our expensive dining room table, so this is our solution.
Tomorrow we will go to church to clear off some of the dust and dirt that this stressful week has left. Then we're planning a picnic and play time at the park. After The Muffin's nap, we're having a play date with our friends.
Next week is already looking busy. The Muffin and I have our usual list of things to do; Kindermusik, housework, laundry and Storytime. Hopefully, Big Daddy will be at the library/gym/job interviews. My Dad is scheduled for eye surgery on Thursday, so we'll be going to Nana & Pawpaw's on Friday to pick Callie up from school and spend a little time with the special patient.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
*BIG* Red Update
The red part of the update is also my belly. I have a rash. Wesley mentioned it to me today and then I realized it had been blotchy and itchy since last Saturday. She told me to use a certain cream on it and to take B.enadryl if I wanted to. I may take the B.enadryl for it's sleep-inducing purposes.
As for our family situation, Big Daddy is on "temporary lay off" from his job. We do have a very BIG blessing that goes along with this, so we are not in any immediate danger. We have always tried to be smart with our money and we'll start living a little smarter to keep extra spending down. Anyone who lives in our part of the state or knows where he works knew that his sort of thing was somewhat inevitable. He truly loves the company and is so respectful of the decision to lay off some employees so that others can pick up the slack and keep working.
Of course, this impacts me and Muff and our little life. We have to figure out how to share our mornings and afternoons with Big Daddy when he used to only be around in the evenings. Since he's working towards his MBA, the library may get him a few mornings a week. And another couple of mornings we'll send him to the gym. We wouldn't want him to mess up our routine too much. I'll also be putting those few little baby purchases on hold for now. They aren't necessities and I really like saving money, so they'll wait. Hopefully, our marriage will survive more family time. ;-)
The Muffin had a great time staying with Nana and Pawpaw. She was so tired that she fell asleep in my lap after her bath. I feel so blessed to have parents and a sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew that love her so much. I think The Muffin is already planning her next trip! I slept "through the night" for the first time in three years!! I did get up to use the bathroom twice, but there was no Muffin for me to check on. No Muffin to have a crazy dream and call for music or ice cream in the middle of the night. No Muffin to walk into my room and climb into my bed to "cuddle" at 6:00. Our bed seemed so big and lonely and we're already looking forward to some family cuddle time in the morning. It's just not the same here without her. She's definitely our glue.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
We have had something very big happen in our little family and it's big-bad not big-good. I know because of our sincere prayers that we were also blessed with something good that we didn't expect. This blessing will allow us to take the time to make decisions without some of the worry. We feel somewhat relieved that we finally know where we stand and this will help us as we plan for our future. So, please, once again remember us in your prayers.
I'll try to be back sometime tomorrow night to give an update on my appointment with Wesley and of course, an update on how much The Muffin missed her Mommy!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
What I Learned This Week
-I learned that a toddler doesn't always give a warning before throwing up ALL over your bed. (on the day after all of the bed linens were washed, no less)
-Nothing can get me out of a funk faster than knowing that my husband needs help getting out of a much more serious funk.
-There is a reason that our Sunday school class is studying The Relationship Principles of Jesus and it has something to do with the fact that we could use a little help from Jesus in our relationships.
-After a discussion about communication in Sunday school, I learned that men and women really do communicate in totally different ways. (as if I needed a discussion to teach me this!)
-Feeling our Baby-to-be kick me always feels good.
-Feeling The Muffin kick me hurts my feelings and makes me sad and angry.
-Sweet Tea, hot tea or coffee may be my biggest pregnancy craving.
-Our Baby-to-be likes Communion bread almost as much as I do.