I received my package today and you were right if you guessed it was a new carrier! I was just telling one of my friends the other day that it was sort of sad how terribly excited I am about this gift! If you had told me a few years ago that Babywearing would be one of my passions, I would have laughed. I have never (and still don't) really considered myself to be an attached parent, but maybe I am. I tell Big Daddy all the time that I'd like to have another baby just so that I'll have another little one to wear! I love Babywearing that much.
Big Daddy and I bought a Bjorn style front carrier shortly after I found out I was pregnant with The Muffin. It was on clearance and I thought it would be cute to wear our baby. I started using it when Muff was about 3 months old and Big Daddy and I both wore her like crazy when we went to the beach that summer. I continued to use it when I went to the grocery store, on walks and if we went anywhere that wasn't stroller friendly.
I still remember the last time I wore The Muffin in the front carrier. I remember what she was wearing and I remember knowing that my back would break if I had to wear her a minute longer. She weighed about 5 pounds less than what Ellie wears now, but the front carrier was killing my back and shoulders.
I discovered slings when I was somewhat desperate to find something to help with The Muffin's colic symptoms. I found out that Babywearing was supposed to help with fussy babies and placed an order for my first sling that day. I only used it on walks and never felt that comfortable with it, although it helped quite a bit with her fussiness and often put her to sleep. This is the same sling that I used almost every single day for Ellie's first four months and felt so comfortable. I wore her in it for the first time on the day we came home from the hospital. I fell in love with it and felt so much more comfortable wearing her, mostly because I was a more comfortable mommy!
When I became pregnant with Ellie I knew that it would be a huge benefit to wear her so that my hands could be free. I decided that I wanted a ring sling because it's what Steph suggests as a good start. It took a while before I felt completely comfortable wearing Ellie in it, but it quickly became our go-to sling. Ellie now weighs 20 pounds and I can wear her in the hip carry position completely pain free for quite a long time.
I've only tried to wear Ellie in the front Bjorn style carrier once and it was not pretty! I've used the backpack carrier with her once and that went pretty well. Big Daddy will be able to use it this Spring and Summer if we go hiking with Ellie perched on his back. Based on Muff's weight, I could wear her in our new Babywearing device, but I wouldn't want her to know that unless it was absolutely necessary. We may try it out hiking this Spring..we'll see.
Anyway...it's a Baby K'Tan and it arrived a couple of hours ago. I wore Ellie in the "Adventure" position and she kicked her legs and loved it! My friend Ms. A has the same carrier in a different color, so we'll sort of be twins!
Speaking of more...here's Ellie signing "more" . Our girl loves to eat.
1 day ago
Just precious....Love the video....
Oh and girly I used my baby Bjorn all the time when Kelcee was like 2 mths old on....
Have a Happy Thursday
Summer :0)
I tried front wearing Andrew and he hated it. I always felt like I was about to dump him in the floor and getting him in and out was an adventure all together. Maybe if there is another baby, I will give babywearing another try.
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