Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Our Little Trip: long story, but worth the read
After a couple of hours driving, we were in M.yrtle Beach. The temperature was near 80 degrees. We opened the sunroof and enjoyed the sunshine. Our first stop was the T.anger outlets because Mommy need a couple of new maternity shirts! The M.otherhood outlet was a disappointment, so we decided to checkout the C.arter's outlet for any exciting bargains. I bought an adorable sleepsack ($5.99) for the Baby-to-be. It has rubber duckies on it! Of course, nearly everything in the store was gender specific and I really don't want to dress our baby boy or girl in yellow or green for the first six months, so that was fine. We have quite a few neutral outfits for the first few months so I refrained from buying anything else.
Since the weather was so nice, Big Daddy had the great idea of checking into our hotel, freshening up for dinner and then going for a walk on the beach. Much to my dismay, our room was on the top floor. My first instinct was to ask for a room on a floor other than the 16th, but I didn't. (this factors in a little later) We quickly learned that our sweet little girl doesn't like the elevator, so the ride up and down from the top was loads of fun! Muff understood that it was too cool to play in the ocean, but her clumsiness got the best of her and she sort of fell on her bottom and into the water. I refused to ride the elevator back up to our room, so I changed her clothes in the car and we took her to ride the old rides at the P.avilion Nostalgia Park. She would have been happy to stay there all night, but it was time to eat...again...our dinner destination was T-B.onz. We had dinner and then went back to the room to get ready for a swim and a little ride in the lazy river...Muff was in heaven! Things went well until Muff got sleepy and decided that it was time to go home because she "misses her house" and "misses her bed" and "misses her toys". We all went to bed at 9:00.
Monday morning we were up early. We had breakfast at the hotel and rode around town a little before R.ipley's Aquarium opened. We paid our (way-too-much) admission and went under the sea. The Muffin enjoyed looking at everything except for the pirate exibit. She was so scared! Three rides on the "elevator belt" through the shark tunnel and she had forgotten about those mean pirates. When we left the aquarium a couple of hours later it was pouring down rain. We headed to L.ogan's R.oadhouse for lunch because we like to eat and it was about that time. I'm not sure what we did after that, but I do remember going back to our room for a gorious nap! We woke up from our nap to see beautiful sunshine! We decided to hit M.otherhood at the mall where I picked up two cute new shirts. Then, we walked around B.roadway at the Beach for a long time and had dinner. (The place we ate is NOT worth mentioning.) We decided to pick up a sweet treat at D.unkin Doughnuts and then go back for more swimming. We stayed up "late" and turned in for the night around 10:30. I woke up around 1:00 to use the bathrrom and then fell back asleep. And this is where the we are THAT family moment comes in!
Around 1:30 the fire alarm went off. In case you've never heard the fire alarm in a hotel room it's a "WOOOP, WOOP" followed by a voice saying that "an emergency has been detected and the hotel must be evacuated". There's also a flashing strobe light that goes off. (We experienced this last summer at a different MB hotel) I immediately put my body over The Muff and Big Daddy looked outside to see if he saw fire or could smell smoke. We decided to evacuate even thoug the alarm stopped making noise. The lights were still flashing and one of our family mottos is "safety first". I was wearing my favorite blue plaid, cotton, men's pajama set with an orange Honey Smacks shirt underneath and white socks. To this lovely ensemble I added my brown Mary Jane's. Big Daddy was (luckily) wearing plaid pajama pants and after three trips around our suite managed to find his glasses and after me telling him many times, he also put on a shirt and flip flops. The Muff was the beauty queen of our family in her kitty cat pajamas. I picked her up, along with the beloved Slumbers (bear) and wrapped her in her favorite yellow blanket. Our room was right beside of the emergency exit, a.k.a stairs. I walked out and saw that the young couple next door were going to the elevator. I went to the stairs only to realize that in the ten feet I'd walked, I'd lost my Big Daddy. I tried to open the door and then he came out of our room with my brown hobo bag and his jacket on. We quickly, efficiently and quietly walked down from the 16th floor. I was carrying Muff and Big Daddy had our treasures. We reached the end of the stairs and Big Daddy opened the door. We were behind a waterfall and a ton of bushes. We made our way out of the jungle and onto the sidewalk...alone. I was starting to feel silly when we were the only one's in the stairwell, but this was ridiculous. A few seconds later about 15 people showed up and then we heard the sirens. I told Big Daddy to get our car and he came back a few minutes later to say that security said it was a false alarm. Muff had managed to sleep through everything, but I saw her eyes open when the fire engine drove by so I explained what was happening. After about 10 minutes out on the sidewalk, we moved p to the hotel lobby. We waited around 20 minutes for the firemen to reset the alarm and let us go back to our room. Evidently, it is the policy of most hotels to silence the fire alarm asap when there is no smoke detected. In this case it was a dryer that was overheating, according to Firefighter Collins. He unplugged the dryer, chewed out the clerk at he desk for silencing the alarm when there was a heat sensor that sensed a problem and told us to have a good night. The Muffin went back to sleep right after I had her snuggled under her blankies. Big Daddy and I stayed awake and tried to go back to sleep for the next couple of hours.
At breakfast, we learned that several other people had evacuated to a different area, so there were a few more than 15 of us who tried to save ourselves. I'm sure we would have ignored the alarm if we hadn't had The Muffin with us, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Our trip home was uneventful.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
We're Back!
Have A Happy New Year's Eve/New Year's Day!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Our Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Manger
One of my favorite moments was when the pastor said that the word manger meant a box or trough in a stable or barn which holds the bread of life. That pretty much summed up why we were all there.
And I'd like to also add that just like every other pregnant lady that has a blog, I've been thinking even more about Mary than I normally would at Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Baby Belly- Week 16
Nativity Scenes and stuff...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sometimes it really is the thought that counts
Big Daddy and The Muffin went upstairs to get ready to go and I followed in a few minutes. They were on the computer and I could tell they were up to something. I asked why they weren't ready to go and Muff quickly replied, "We are trying to find your purse!".
We went shopping last week and I fell in love with a very expensive purse. Big Daddy told me to get it and I reminded him that I'd be carrying a diaper bag again soon and that a new purse (that expensive) was silly. He left work early so that he could get it as a surprise Christmas present for me. He didn't see it at the store and was looking for it online. We haven't given real Christmas gifts to one another since 2005, when we were expecting The Muffin.
Even though I keep telling him how special it is that he was trying to find it, he doesn't understand that just knowing that he was looking everywhere for that purse is a gift in itself.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
It's a rare sight...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Baby Survey
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Still Getting Ready For Baby
Monday, December 15, 2008
Getting Ready For Baby
We really hope to find out the sex of the baby at our January 8 appointment, but we are also aware that babies like to hide their private areas sometimes. I'm starting our registries at B.abies R Us and T.arget today. Lots of the stuff will change to blue and chocolate brown if the Baby-to-be is a boy or to pink and purple if it's a girl. I've picked out the kind of ring sling that I want online, but I want to know what color scheme will be most appropriate. We have a neutral pouch sling and a front carrier, but I want something new because this baby will have to be worn and I loved being a Babywearer with The Muffin!
If the Baby-to-be is a girl there are only a few clothing/layette items that we would need. I'll be wrapping the baby in all of the sweet blankets that we used for Muff and dressing her in Muff's hand-me-downs. I get excited at the opportunity to use The Muffin's sweet clothes again! At Muff's ultrasound they were "90% sure" that she was a girl. Big Daddy and I kept things neutral with the decor, but everyone went girl-crazy and showered us with mostly pink clothes. We have a nice assortment of gender-neutral blankets and newborn outfits. We only had one outfit that could only be for a boy and it was exchanged for a smocked dress in blue.
If the Baby-to-be is a boy we'll need a few more things. We'll have some of Muff's gently used yellow blankets (but NOT her "Baby Bop" or "Tigger" blankets!), and those cute little outfits in yellow. I get excited at the thought of dressing a baby boy in blue and chocolate brown in cute little outfits that are all brand new. Of course, Nana (my mom), would be happy with a boy or girl, but she's hoping for a boy to even out the grand kids. I know Nana and my sister will go crazy buying stuff no matter what color we need.
When I woke up in the recovery room and found out that our baby had survived and was healthy I asked if "it" was a boy or a girl. When my nurse told me that "it" was a girl, my first response was, "Thank goodness, I don't have to return all of the gifts". We only had one outfit that 100% for a boy. It was returned for a beautiful, blue, smocked dress.
The baby's room is still Big Daddy's junk room/computer room/study room, but the baby bed is in there! We have a few things up in the air where that's concerned so I'll be waiting a little longer before I issue an ultimatum about cleaning it out. I keep telling myself that everything will be fine and that we don't have to have a room ready right now...or even when the baby arrives for that matter. We're praying that our issues are resolved soon and we can move on with more baby-themed issues.
No matter what, we will be thrilled when we see our baby next month! I pray that our baby is healthy and everything is developing normal. If it's not, that's okay too. After our experience with Vasa Previa, I'm reminded that it is such a gift to leave the hospital with a living, breathing baby. So many in our Vasa Previa family have not seen their babies alive or are not able to watch them grow up as "normal" children do. When people ask if I want a boy or girl I always say that it doesn't matter. Inevitably they'll say, "As long as it's healthy". I've never looked at it that way and I still don't. We wouldn't love our baby any less if there was something wrong with it and Big Daddy always says that he'd probably love it even more.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A Very Merry Weekend
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Week 14 Midwife Appointment
Big Daddy and The Muffin were like two unsupervised kids while I was talking to Rita. It made me wonder why I wanted both of them to attend the appointment. At the January appointment, I'll have Big Daddy, Muffin and Nana all in tow! Hopefully, my mom can keep the two "kids" in check...and hopefully we will find out the sex of the Baby-to-be.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I'll try to post again tomorrow with any exciting baby developments. I've been super-tired this week.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sweet Muffin
She loves our Advent calendar that has a little verse of the Christmas story behind each "mailbox" and she looks forward to reading the story everyday. She loves "activity" scenes, also known as Nativity scenes, and wants to hold Baby Jesus.
The Muffin can spot a cross a mile away and then she wants you to ask what happened on the cross so that she can tell you that it's where Jesus died.
She likes the story of Adam and Eve and says, "God says don't eat the fruit off the tree." She says the "satan snake" isn't very nice.
When we get balloons from the grocery store she likes to "send them to Heaven". She lets them go and says that Ms. Overcash will like to get it. She still says that Ms. Overcash and Grandma Louise do flips in Heaven, too.
In the morning when the sun comes up she says, "Thank You, God. Thank You, Jesus". She also says goodnight to them before bed.
More and more I'm realizing that she is just like a little ball of clay that we are molding into what we want her to be. I use praying and God and Jesus to help her cope with the things that trouble her.
Now if she'll just stay this way forever.
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Baby Belly Has Blossomed
Highlights of Our Week...In Pictures
Drinking The Mommy's special hot cocoa after another walk to look at lights.
All ready for church and happy to smile for the camera.
The Muffin sneezed at just the right time!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Baby Talk and Sweet Tea
Being with my mom and sister is always fun, but the highlight may have been talking about baby stuff. I'm not with Big Daddy that much (until his last exam next Tuesday allows him to be on winter break!!!) so I don't get to talk about fun baby things. They are desperate for our possible baby names, but I managed to stay mum for now.
Okay, wait...that wasn't the highlight of my was the sweet tea...or should I say, Sweet Tea. The Sweet Tea at my favorite chicken sandwich place and my mom's kitchen did not disappoint. Big Daddy even asked tonight, "What's up with the Sweet Tea-thing? Is it a craving or something?". And I never called it Sweet Tea it was always just tea, but now it's definitely Sweet Tea. For the most part my cravings left a little over a week ago with the nausea, but I still love me some Sweet Tea and mustard could be slathered on anything at any given moment.
Anyway, I'm searching the internet looking for cute, exciting, cheap, black maternity pants that will fit until I grow into my bigger, black maternity pants. Then I'm bathing Muff, drinking coffee, showering, putting Muff to bed and going to bed myself.
Another exciting Friday evening with the McMillan Family!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It's Really None of Your Business
I remember when Muff was little everyone wanted to know if I stayed at home with her. After they had their answer they either told me how great it was that I was a stay at home mom or gave me critical advice about putting her in daycare. I taught preschool and I know the benefits and the not so good aspects of it, so I don't need any advice on this matter. I know that she loves her Mommy and Daddy and would rather be with us than anyone else, and that's fine with me. She also loves her Sunday school teachers and for the most part, loves her time with them. She'll go to preschool at some point and then most likely leave there to go to a private school unless we homeschool her.
I think about the critcal words that I've listened to about c-sections. A c-section was no where in my birth plan. My midwives knew that I did NOT want a c-section. As I was in the middle of all of the organized chaos that was my labor and delivery experience, I was the one saying "I do not want a c-section". I knew from all of the people in my room and everything that they were doing and saying that I was in a life or death situation. Of course, I consented to the c-section, but I had to make sure that my feelings were known. Unlike lots of c-sections, mine was not by choice and was necessary to save the baby. I've never felt guilty about having to have my baby this way.
I've come to realize that there will be two big questions that will be constantly asked during this pregnancy. "Was this planned?" and "Are you going to have another c-section?".
My primary care physician asked "Was this planned?" as she read my chart and watched me beg Muff to be quiet and sit still while I stuffed Smarties into her mouth . Most people already know the answer to this question. There's something about a horrible economy, a crazy toddler and an uncertain future that inspires two people that love each other and are committed to each other to want another baby. We're crazy like that.
As for the other question, I think birth plans are terribly personal. I wanted to have a positive experience so that I'd want to have more babies. I had a great birth plan with the was thrown out the window and ran over by a garbage truck when my midwife thought she felt a prolapsed cord...and that's fine because I left he hospital with a living, breathing baby. I knew who I wanted at the hospital and who was not allowed anywhere near me or my room. I wanted the people who were there to be positive. I didn't want an epidural started unless I decided that I needed one. (And what do you know? I didn't have an epidural, I was under general anesthesia!!) My midwives were supportive every step of the way. Other people, not so much.
This time my birth plan will be kept private. I'm hoping to have most of it worked out in my head by my next midwife appointment, even though it can be changed at any time. My doctors and midwives have a few concerns for me and the baby because of a few aspects of The Muffin's delivery (that have been kept private). I get to have the final say, but me and Big Daddy are going to take how they think I should deliver and all of their concerns into consideration. I trust my midwives and I know that we all want the same thing in the end. I'm inspired by all of the women who choose ways that may be thought of as unconventional to deliver their babies. This may be our last baby, so a positive experience and a living, breathing baby is what I want.
I think one of the greatest birth stories I've ever read just may be Stephanie's. Reading about her and her four children is always inspiring!
You can also read the birth stories of vasa previa families at
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Miracle
On August 15, 2005, we found out our lives were about to change forever. We were expecting a baby! After five years of marriage and waiting for the “perfect time” to start a family, it all happened rather unexpectedly. This was the beginning of such a special time in our lives. We decided to wait until after our first ultrasound to announce it to our families.
On August 27 I experienced some light bleeding. It was the first time I felt genuine fear for my baby’s life. I called the emergency number for my OB/GYN and was transferred to Labor & Delivery at the hospital since it was a weekend. The nurse I spoke with said since the bleeding was light, there was no cramping and the bleeding had since stopped it was most likely a blood vessel on my cervix that had ruptured. She said to take it easy and get some rest until my doctor’s appointment on August 29. I spent the rest of the time worrying about the fate of our baby. I fully expected to be told that the baby was lost when my husband and I went to the doctor that morning for our ultrasound. In stead we were told that everything looked normal and our due date was April 21. No abnormalities were detected. My prayers had been answered and our baby was safe. We shared our ultrasound pictures with my family and our baby earned the nickname, “Peanut”.
On October 31, I woke up and felt a lot of pressure. Thinking it may be a urinary tract infection I once again called the doctor. I went in and there was no sign of a UTI. My midwife wanted to make sure that I wasn’t dilating so she examined me and ordered a ultrasound. Once again, I was told that everything was normal and that I was probably just experiencing pressure from my growing uterus. My next ultrasound was set for December 1 at 20 weeks. We would get to hopefully find out the sex of the baby. My mom and husband went with me for this special appointment. We were all amazed at the 3D ultrasound. We could clearly see our baby’s face, but weren’t sure if it was a boy or a girl.
From here on out everything in the pregnancy was perfectly normal. I never experienced any morning sickness, just a little extra tired. We went to our Childbirth Preparation and I tried to decide on which method of pain management I would take. We were planning for the birth of our baby.
As April approached and my doctor appointments came around every Thursday, the reality began to set in that our baby would be here soon. On April 13, I was told that I might go that weekend! My midwife, Peggy, stripped my membranes since I was starting to dilate and my cervix was ripening. It was Easter weekend, so we went along with our plans as usual…nothing happened. The next Thursday, the day before our due date I was examined and the midwife, Rita, thought that she felt the umbilical cord. I was immediately afraid for my baby. Upon more careful examination, she thought it was just a ridge in my cervix. She again stripped my membranes She was on call that weekend and felt sure that she would be seeing me. An appointment was scheduled for Monday, April 24, just in case. This time we stayed around the house for the most part and waited for any sign of labor.
On Monday morning, I went to the doctor and was scheduled to be at the hospital for a planned induction on Tuesday, April 25. Our baby would be here tomorrow.
We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am and Pitocin was started around 8:00. My midwife, Peggy, came in and we discussed our wishes for a vaginal delivery and talked about our ideal birth experience. My husband desperately wanted to “catch” the baby. My Mom, sister, niece & nephew arrived shortly after that and we began to wait. I started having very mild contractions, so they kept increasing the Pitocin. Peggy, said she would break my water after the contractions were more steady. My family left for lunch and my husband and I watched TV and tried to enjoy the peace and quiet before my pain increased. My family came back and he rotated out for his lunch. Peggy came back to examine me and decided to break my water. I decided to go ahead and let her do it, so that maybe things would progress and we would have a baby by dinner. My family left the room and Peggy ruptured my bag of waters at 12:07. I was laughing at how funny it felt and sort of wishing that my husband was with me for this experience. Peggy left for a lunch meeting only to return with a scared look on her face. She said that the baby’s monitor was acting funny and asked that my nurse, Valerie try to fix it. Peggy then got in the bed and examined me. She told me that we had a cord. I knew what this meant and immediately began to cry and pray for my baby. She ordered an emergency c-section and the room was flooded with medical staff. My family saw all of the commotion and my husband was paged. He arrived in the room just as they were wheeling me into the operating room which was thankfully, right next door. Peggy literally held everything in place until our baby was delivered. My husband wasn’t allowed in the OR since it was an emergency, but was called to the window with my Mom when the baby arrived at 12:28pm.
It wasn’t until after delivery of the placenta that the doctor’s realized that they were not dealing with a prolapsed cord, but it was velamentous insertion of the cord and vasa previa.
I woke up from anesthesia around 2:00 and was told that my baby was okay. At 2:30 I met, The Muffin, a beautiful 8 pound, 8 ounce little girl. She was perfectly healthy! We were so thankful!
It wasn’t until later that I realized how blessed we are to have a happy ending. After three ultrasounds our vasa previa was not diagnosed. Thank God that Peggy checked the baby monitor before she left for her meeting. The doctor on call for my medical group was not at the hospital, but luckily another one from our group was. It just so happened that Dr. DeLaney was close by and was in the room in a matter of a few minutes. So many things factored into our baby’s arrival. We are so thankful to God for Muff every day!
In may of 2008, I finally got up enough nerve to order my Labor and Delivery medical records. I found out that I also had a succentriate/accessory lobed placenta. (I remembered in July of 2008 that my midwife had told me this after the crash c-section. I guess those drugs they use for anesthesia are pretty powerful to suppress memories for that long!) I found out that I'd gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy. Ugh! I learned that The Muffin's apgars were 9 and 9! I wass o priud! I found out that my amniotomy site (where the amniotic sac was artifically ruptured by my midwife) was only 1 centimeter from where the umbilical cord was inserted into the placenta. I also realized that the placenta sort of started it all. Succentriate lobed placenta caused velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord which caused vasa previa which caused my Muffin to be a Miracle.
Even if the succentriate lobed placenta had been detected during pregnancy, vasa previa may not have been diagnosed. I've never felt the need to put blame on my midwives or doctors. Even some of the most experienced OB/GYN's do not know about vasa previa. Some manage it as placenta previa and some do not manage it at all. That is why we have to raise awareness of this condition. It occurs more often than spina bifida, yet we aren't doing any routine testing for it. A color doppler ultrasound can be the key to saving a baby's life.
You can learn more about Vasa Previa by visiting , the website of the International Vasa Previa Foundation.
It only takes a moment to diagnose life.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Good News, Bad News
I was thrilled to get the good news that I'd only gained two pounds since I was there in August. We have never owned a set of scales (because I would be obsessed with what I weigh) so I really wasn't sure of what my pre-pregnancy weight was when I went for my OB work-up three weeks ago. According to the OB's scales and my guesstimated weight, I'd gained 8 pounds. I was not happy. I was pretty sure this was off by at least 5 pounds, but wasn't completely sure. Im really excited for my next appointment with my midwife so that I can share my true weight gain. I DO NOT want to gain the 40+ pounds that I gained when I was pregnant with The Muffin. I was mortified when I found out that I'd gained 40 pounds! Luckily, I didn't find out until this past May when I ordered my labor and delivery records.
And now the bad news that I was glad to hear: I have a horrible ear infection. I had decided that it was something serious that would take a long time and many tests to diagnose and then surgery to fix it. Just because that's how I am. Luckily, it's minor and I should be all better real soon.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Giving Thanks and Decking the Halls
I might have mentioned taking Muff to our favorite greenhouse to pick out her Christmas ornament for 2008. I've had to help her in the past, but now she's Ms. Independent and gets to do it on her own. Last year's ornament was a glass star that is bright blue. She loves the moon and stars, so it was perfect. This year, I pointed out some really pretty butterflies that were very girl-y and expensive. She kept shopping the greenhouse until she found a basket of cheap ornaments like the one that she chose...she was in love. I tried to get her to pick one with a moose head because I thought it looked a little better, but this is what she picked. I think maybe she'll be a hunter, our sweet little NRA member...
Big Daddy and Muff stayed upstairs while I assembled the tree and fixed the lights. They came back downstairs to "help" decorate, but I sent them back upstairs to listen to their "Wizard of Oz" music. I did have a little help with the tree...from Kenny Chesney. He sang to me the entire time that I worked on it. *sigh* I love his Christmas CD, "All I Want For Christmas Is A Real Good Tan". It takes me back to the Christmas of 2004, when I was busy planning our trip to Destin, Florida. I listened to him and imagined going to the beach in January. The trip was FABULOUS and just hearing Kenny sing me Christmas music takes me right back to that place and time.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I moved Muff from the toddler bed to a "big girl" twin bed. She loved it and kept asking to go upstairs to see her "new" room! She loves to roll around on the bed and loves that Mommy or Daddy can cuddle with her.
I talked to my sister on the phone and made sure they made it to TN okay, called my sweet nephew and took a long walk with Big Daddy and The Muffin.
Even though I was exhausted from a busy day, I put up our Christmas decorations. The Muffin is in love with the big tree, her little tree and everything alse that is new to her.
Now, I'm so tired! I'm going to shower and go to bed and rest my aching back. Tomorrow is our big trip to the gun store, so there's lots to rest up for!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving and Being Thankful
My family decided that a trip to Pigeon Forge, TN would be a fun and exciting way to celebrate Thanksgiving. Due to Big Daddy's school schedule and the fact that we aren't fond of going anywhere that may have cooler weather than we have here, we decided to stay at home. We'll be Thanksgivings orphans...sort of. We could go to Mike's parents or accept the invitations from several of our friends, but staying home is not that bad. The Muffin will help me fix our lunch, we'll move her from a toddler bed to a big girl bed and we'll decorate the Christmas Tree. Lately, we've had very little time as a family so it will nice to just be at home together. I'll miss the food and family that would have been at my mom's house, but I'm sure I can replicate her cooking...maybe. My Daddy actually said, "Do you know how to fix dressing?". I assured him that I do. I'm thankful that we have families even though we won't be with them on Thanksgiving Day.
We have lots of fun family stuff that we can do. Just decorating the tree with Muff this year will be an adventure. And then we'll have to go to her favorite greenhouse on Friday to let her pick out a new ornament for the tree...and I'll get to pick out an ornament for the Baby-to-be. Maybe Big Daddy can come along and experience the joy that taking The Muffin to the greenhouse. Everyone there loves her and they give her free stuff. We were there after Halloween and they gave her a pretty butterfly windchime, just because. She chases and torments the greenhouse cats, Cookie and Spike. I think they hide as soon as they hear her coming. I'm so thankful for fun times with The Muffin and Big Daddy.
The associate pastor preached Sunday and gave a great sermon about Thanksgiving and being thankful all the time for even the simplest things. He said he was thankful for his new church family, his wife and his daughter. I'm thankful for our new church family and for finding this church that I think may just be the greatest church...ever. He and his wife tried for years to have children and finally adopted the most beautiful daughter from China. She's in her early teens and sings with her dad and has the voice of an angel. He said that he always wanted a child that could sing. Then there are two couples in our Sunday school class that are in the process of adopting children from Ethiopia. One couple has an adopted four year old daughter from China and the other couple has two young children, by birth. I'm thankful for our sweet Baby-to-be that I have the pleasure of growing in my belly and spending every nauseating moment with. I'm the only person other than it's Creator that can say I was with it from the beginning. I will have actually held it before anyone can ever hold it in their arms. (That's why Big Daddy is allowed to hold it before anyone else and also why we can tell people that they cannot hold our sweet baby until we are finished holding it.) I'm glad that we never take being able to be parents for granted. I'm thankful for our vasa previa miracle, The Muffin, and that I can't forget the day she was born and the miracle that God performed even when I try. And because of her I'm so thankful for the International Vasa Previa Foundation and all that they do to raise awareness and support the parents of vasa previa miracles and angels. I would have lost my mind without them.
My hormones have been crazy and I've been freezing for the past three weeks. I'm almost never warm. I'm so thankful for our house that is so much warmer than outside, warm clothes and fuzzy, warm blankets. I'm also thankful that I have two people that I can cuddle with for a little extra heat.
I read in our church bulletin that our local "soup kitchen" , The Breadbasket is in "desperate need" of dried beans and peas. The Muffin and I are going to take some food items by there soon. I'm thankful for our stocked fridge and pantry, even when I say there's nothing to eat.
And because I'm pregnant I have a few silly things that I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for sweet tea, yellow mustard, spicy brown mustard, toasted bread, saltine crackers, sweet pickle relish and Sierra Mist Free Cranberry Splash.
I hope that you have lots to be thankful for this year too.
Monday, November 24, 2008
And the name will not be...
I suggested The Muffin's middle name after my grandmother, but I fully expected her middle name to be Forrest. Mike felt like she should be named after my Grandma since we experienced such a miracle during our traumatic delivery. So... Muff's middle name is the same as my Grandma's middle name, Louise. If Maggie knew that Grandma's first name was Dorothy, I'm sure she would insist on changing it and she's wear those darn ruby slippers all the time!
The baby's name will NOT be:
Isaac, Eli, Elias, Elijah, Cannon, Jobe, Reece, Forrest or Kieran.
It also will NOT be:
Ellie, Ainsley, Eden, Rowen, Clara, Paisley or Kieran. (Can you tell that someone/Big Daddy like's the name Kieran?)
No matter what, we will not be taking other people's opinions into consideration on name choices. It's a very personal thing when you are choosing what to name your child. I'm sure I'll end up giving this baby the nickname of some sort of food. The Muffin was "Squidgy" for a couple of days and then "Muffin" just came out and stuck. She also answers to Muffinhead, Muffinbutt, Ms. Muffin, Muff, Muffy and Muffingirl.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Ramblings about our weekend...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Week In Review
(We'll just keep the poem private for now so you're not jealous of my poem-writing capabilities! Let's just say you can always write a silly poem and sign The Muffin's name to it!)
On Wednesday one of my childhood friends, Lisa, gave birth to a baby boy named Adam. He was born at 32 weeks and 5 days, so he is spending time in the NICU at a local children's hospital. Matt, Lisa, big brother Cody and Adam all need your prayers. Hopefully, Adam will get stronger and grow really fast and be home in time for Christmas!
Today, The Muffin and I are having a "Girls Day". (As if everyday around here isn't a girls day!?) She prefers to spend every waking moment in the present of both of her parents, but with Mike trying to finish five papers so that he can start studying for finals, he needs some quiet time. We have had a trying week, because Little Miss Muffin has missed her Daddy something awful! He leaves for work around 6:30 in the morning and most days he goes to the local college's library to study afterwards. Some nights he doesn't get home until 8:00 which makes for a long day of "I want my Daddy to come home right now!" and "I don't like you, I want my Daddy!". We have breakfast, lunch and dinner as a family of two and The Muffin misses Daddy every other minute of the day. girls are going to T.arget, Mich.ael's and Chick-Fil-A. These just happen to be a few of Maggie's favorite places because the closest one's are 30+ minutes away.
I've been having gotta-have-it cravings (and excessive nausea???) this week, but it's been way too cold for me to venture out for a Cook-Out sweet tea or to B.ojangle's for chicken or to the Japanese restaurant for rice and clear soup. I've been remembering the day that I told my friend Fran that a blue ribbon brownie from A.pplebee's would taste so good only to have one delivered to me a few minutes later by my fellow real estate broker, J.P.. He told me that I shouldn't want for anything. He also once told me that it was a good thing that I didn't wear glasses because I would get ired of my long eyelashes bumping them when I blinked. He was the kind of friend always ready to offer flattery and food when it was needed. I wish he would hang out at my house all day, everyday.
So here's to shopping and trying out a new sweet tea at lunch today with my favorite girl.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Pardon Me........
I've been thinking for a while now that it was about time for The Mommy and Big Daddy to announce that The Muffin was going to have a baby sister or brother. This past Friday evening as I was driving home from the grocery store after work my cell phone started to ring. I wasn't able to get to the phone before it stopped ringing and the call went to my voice mail. I dialed in to get the message and I heard a small voice on the other end saying Nooooooo, it's beeping, Noooooooo, I don't wanna leave a message. In the background I could hear giggling and laughing and I could hear The Mommy's voice above all the others!! I knew that the small voice was my great niece Callie. Anyway, Callie hung up and didn't leave a message. I knew the family was getting together at my sister's house for a birthday celebration so I dialed her number and Sharalee (The Mommy's sister) answered. She said Callie has something to tell you. Callie came to the phone and she said Lisa! Jamie's preganant! I was like OH she is? Yes, she's gonna have a baby in June! I said Oh, how exciting. Did she just find out today? Jamie, when did you find out? She found out on September 29th! This was November 14th! I was like Ohhhhhh, she did? Yeah, she just told us today though. And Lisa, Maggie didn't even spill the beans!! giggles erupted from the other end of the line. It seems Maggie had known for a while and so had a few other people!!! I'm always the last to know anything! Sigh!
I sure am excited to know that we will have another baby boy or girl in our family next summer. I hope you'll visit Jamie's blog often and don't forget to comment and encourage her, especially a few months from now when her baby belly is out there and she's not as comfy as she is now. Say a few prayers also for a healthy pregnancy.
The Mommy's Loving Auntie
Maybe She Needs A Sister
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ahhh, Sweetness
She already has a blanket that she going to give the Baby-To-Be when it arrives. It's not as pretty as I would have liked it to be, but I was looking for something gender-neutral AND had to pick it out fast because I was trying to win a contest. Everything came out okay, I won the contest, received a fabulous, free, swaddling blanket and The Muffin approved of the softness of the blanket for her new baby. She asks to feel of it and talks about how soft it is.
On October 21, we took her to the OB/GYN's office for our first ultrasound. She didn't have much to say about the baby then, but when I gave her an ultrasound picture of her own she said, "This is the prettiest baby!". Of course it looks like a blob, so I'm hoping that she'll always be kind to her Baby-To-Be.
Two weeks ago, The Muffin suddenly pulled up my shirt and said, "Let me see your baby!". I pulled up my shirt and she patted her hand on my belly and then gave it a kiss. (I melted)
I can't wait to see what she's doing to my belly when it's all full of baby!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Testing Testing
This picture was taken on September 29 and we showed it to Big Daddy when he got home from work. He thought I had taken a picture of The Muffin with a thermometer. (She was just getting over a case of croup and bronchitis, so he wasn't completely crazy!) I took The Muffin to the bathroom, gave her the real test and Big Daddy thought that she wanted to take his temperature!
We spent the rest of the evening talking about the Baby-to be and making plans for the future.
