Our Baby-to-be is approximately 15 inches tall/long!
She still kicks all the time and is on such a schedule that I can almost predict when the kicks will be the strongest. We only have a few more weeks before we'll get to meet her, face to face.
I've just realized that I wore this shirt in my week 25 picture, so I'm about to change tops before we go to Kindermusik. I really don't wear this shirt that much!
As our due date approaches, I'd like to ask for some specific prayer requests.
Of course, pray that the baby arrives alive, healthy and makes it to full term. We'll take this baby and love "it" (just in case it's an Eli and not an Ellie) no matter what God gives us.
Pray that I'll go into labor on my own and preferably when Big Daddy is at home an not an hour+ away! I have so many bad memories about my induction with The Muffin and I'd like this to start naturally.
Please pray that my birthplan is followed as closely as it can be. I'm keeping my wishes private for now, but I do hope that my birth experience is at least a little bit like I'm planning.
Pray that I'm more successful at breastfeeding this time. I don't think I'll be able to handle it if I fail again!
Pray that The Muffin loves and accepts her baby from the very start.
Please pray that Big Daddy and I are able to experience this birth together. We would both do just about anything to go back and have him be able to witness The Muffin's birth. Neither of us ever imagined that he would have to wait outside of the operating room to find out if his new baby was alive.
And finally, (for now) please pray that my sister gets to be in the delivery room like we've palnned and that my mom is waiting in the hallway with The Muffin like she wants to be.
I will be praying for you as delivery day approaches. I know you want everything to go perfectly. If your hospital is like ours, you will be able to have anyone you want in the room with you. When Joshua was born, Robert, my mom and Tara were in there! I've always had a full house when I have given birth.
Girl, I can't believe you are already 28 weeks! Seems just like yesterday that you announced the pregnancy. Dwight, my mom and Stephanie were in there with me and I think most hospitals are allowing a few more people in the delivery room. My birth plan was pretty much followed but mainly because it was nothing really out of the ordinary. The one thing I didn't want (episiotomy) was the one thing I got:( but it was medically necessary so I can't complain.
I have a feeling that things are definitely going to go differently this time around! Just a feeling but I hope it gives you some hope as each birth is so unique and different. *HUGS* I know how hard it is to want to not worry.
Let's vow to not worry ok!?
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