In the grand scheme of things, it's not that bad, but I believe it's all relative to what you're used to, so I say with confidence that this has not been a good day at all.
I slept more consecutive hours than usual which was a surprise considering both Ellie and Maggie have runny noses and chest congestion. Ellie seems to sleep well when the humidifier is in her room. It's probably the white noise and I should go out immediately and by a white noise machine and I will start having many consecutive hours of sleep each night, but who knows?
I woke up when Maggie came into my room and said she had to use her bathroom because she needed "just a little bit of light". She said it with such a whine that I couldn't understand her and had to ask her to repeat herself...three times. I explained that one of the four light switches in my bathroom would give her "just a little bit of light" if she would turn them on. This set her off and then she woke Ellie up with her loud complaining.
After lots of crying and snot dripping on Ellie's part, we were ready to go to the grocery store. I wore Ellie in the Baby K'Tan for the second time while shopping. She loves, I love it and it's super comfortable. Maggie pushed the little shopping cart, ran over my heels a couple of times and entertained everyone in the sore with some very crazy antics.
We left with our groceries, stopped by the recycling center, returned Library book, checked out new ones and arrived home just in time for lunch. I'm choosing to remeber today in that way and leave out all of the stuff that made it not a good day at all.
4 days ago
I can't believe she woke up Ellie! That would annoy me to no end!
It's all about perspective, right?
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