The Mommy

The Mommy

about us...

I'm The Mommy, a SAHM to Maggie & Ellie. I'm married to Big Daddy, an engineer, grad student and our hard-working provider.
I blog instead of scrapbooking in hopes of preserving a part of our life for the future.
We enjoy beach trips, going to Church and spending time together...all as a family...because that's what we are.

our VP miracle, Maggie

our VP miracle, Maggie
loves homeschooling, sign language, Jesus, reading, church, writing songs and dancing

our sweet Ellie

our sweet Ellie
loves her sister, going to church and the library, singing, babies, chocolate and being naked

Blog Archive

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Baby Belly- Week 20...

Our Baby-to-be is around 10.5 inches long from head to heel!
I cannot believe that we are are at our official halfway mark! The past 16 weeks (since we found out) have truly flown by. I'm still not feeling consistent movements yet, which nearly drives me crazy. I try to remind myself that my crazy fears are totally irrational, but I swear that the sweetest sound is hearing your unborn baby's heart beat on the doppler! Last Saturday evening I felt a definite nudge from our sweet baby and then I was able to feel it on the outside of my stomach, too. Of course, I was alone and Big Daddy did not get to feel it.

I'm always cautiously optimistic. It's never far from my mind that no matter what I am not guaranteed this sweet baby. Everyday that I'm pregnant I try to tell this baby how very much we love and want it. Muffin gives my belly kisses and tickles it. I'm reminded of all of my virtual friends that had to leave the hospital empty handed or had to leave their newborns in the NICU, not to mention the ones who care for their disabled children everyday because of VP. They spent nine months planning for a baby and had their hopes and dreams shattered. Maybe that has more to do with us not at least planning a nursery than some other things and I just have a hard time admitting it. All of my worries and fears are a reminder of how Vasa Previa has changed everything in my life. And then there are stories like Kelly's that remind me of all of the other things that can happen. I try to pray and have faith, but it's still hard.

On a positive, less depressing note...The Muffin seems to feel better. She's been fever-free since the afternoon and hasn't puked since around 10:00. She seems to be getting a stuffy nose, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Please continue to pray for Kelly, Scott and Harper Stamps. I know that they have so many prayers being spoken for them.
Our little family has a couple of "big" things happening this week, too, so say a little prayer for us while you're at it!
Around 2:30 this morning I felt the baby move again...after much poking, prodding and praying that "she" would kick. Needless to say, I woke Big Daddy up and he felt it too, but only after more poking around and him coaching the baby by saying, "Come on, Baby. Kick Daddy."

1 comment:

Q, La, and Gooner said...

You are SO brave to post belly pics. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I still can't bring myself to do it!!!!

When Kweku felt Gooner kick I wanted to CRY! It is SO wonderful to have out husby's involved YAY!?

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